By Kondiba Metkari, Business Manager, Hanna Equipments India Pvt. Ltd.

Wastewater treatment has become essential these days because it is so interconnected with the other uses of water. This wastewater is treated and then converted to effluent to discharge it to the natural water streams. If untreated water is discharged in river streams, leave its effects on the wildlife habitats thriving in oceans, rivers, and marshes, migratory birds using these areas for breeding, resting, and nesting, fisheries which have a direct impact on human
consumption. Thus this effluent must be treated before it goes back to the environment to have minimum impact on the environment or can be directly reused. This reclaimed water can be used for purposes other than consumption. As for disposal or reuse is the ultimate aim of the treatment of wastewater, treatment is decided accordingly to create minimum impact to the river streams and low sludge for landfills.

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